When people are in need of the services your business offers, they’ll start by going to Google and plugging in what they’re looking for. Let’s say they’re looking for a family dentist in Nashville. As soon as they enter the search, multiple options will pop up. As they start scrolling through the list of dentists, they’ll find that there are many reputable companies that all have good looking websites and promise a valuable service.

Next, the customer will have to dig a little deeper into who you and your business really is to make the best decision. Their next stop will be the About page. Here’s why the About page is so important and why it might be time for a rewrite.

Make sure you add personality

The Home and Services pages will give your potential customers a preview of who your company is and what you have to offer. While they should still embody the unique voice of your business, they should come across with a professional and informative tone. However, the About page needs to personalize you and explain why you do what you do. Here are two examples:

Example 1:

“Dr. John has been a family dentist for 20 years and prides himself on offering the best oral hygiene solutions for his patients. He values integrity and honesty in his practice.”

While this isn’t necessarily poorly written, it just doesn’t offer anything personal and comes across as stiff and generic. Let’s face it – it’s kind of boring too. Plus, these ideas are probably stated on the Home page as well, so we start to see repetitive content.

Example 2:

“I decided to become a dentist 25 years ago after watching my son run and hide before every appointment. So few family dentists in our area did anything to comfort his fears, and I knew I could do a great job at providing an atmosphere that was family friendly, especially for those who were scared of the dentist like my son.”

With this example, we get insight into why they became a dentist, and we learn a little bit about their family values. It’s more engaging than the first example, and you get a sense of the kind of person this dentist really is.

Rewrite until you see yourself on the page

Take the time to read your About page. If you don’t see yourself in it and why you started your business, it might just be time for a rewrite. It shouldn’t mimic the other pages on your website, but give people insight into your personality. Don’t just say that you offer value, give people examples of how you’ve provided value in your industry and let them know why you decided to go into your particular business.

Remember, when customers are choosing between you and your competitors, they’ll always go with the company they feel they know a little better and has a more realistic vibe. Your About page can offer this and is the third most viewed page on a businesses website. Take time to rewrite your About page until it reflects the true worth of you and your company, and you’ll notice the difference in your conversions.