Whether you have an outside company running your website, or you do everything internally, you might want to know how to get more traffic. Here are some ways that you can grow the number of people visiting your business website (without taking up too much time).
Pay attention to the season
Say you’re in the health industry. You should already know January is a big time of year for you. Understand that during the holidays, people don’t want gym memberships, they want a fast way to knock off five pounds before meeting friends and family they haven’t seen all year. Offer something that people are searching for right now to peak their interest and grow your audience.
However, if you sell handcrafted jewelry, you have a significant opportunity during the holidays to sell a little more. Add coupons, write content with long keyword tails based on shopping patterns, and don’t forget people love giving gifts to themselves this time of year.
Interview authority figures
People love getting insight into what the experts are doing and how they’re doing it. Take a half hour or so and interview a local expert in your industry about top-trending topics. In fact, you’ll probably learn a little something you can use in the future. Make sure the interview is engaging and helpful, and you’ll see some new traffic. Plus, the person you interview will tell their friends and family to visit your site as well.
Research your competitors
Find out what all the buzz is in your industry right now. Check out what your competitors are doing, and if it seems to be working for them. By paying attention to your industry, you’ll have a better idea of what is being shared more, what isn’t, and how it’s being presented to the general public. This will give you an edge and a better understanding of what angle you can take to help grow more traffic.
Get out from behind the computer
While you might think that the best place to get more traffic is behind the computer, you should take a different approach and see what happens. Attend local events, conferences, and be sure you bring a lot of business cards. It’s easy to forget that we can make a big impression and gain a lot of referrals for our website when you are standing directly in front of someone.
Advertise on different outlets
You’ve heard it all before: to make money – you have to spend money. You can get ad space on social media, be featured on popular websites, and sponsor local events that get a lot of promotional support. Focus on where your target audience hangs out and apply your efforts to that area.
Change it up
When you find something that works, you’ll want to stick with it. However, if you don’t think that you’re getting all of the potential traffic you should have, then try new tactics. You can add another posting date, test out a new social media platform, focus on more engaging headlines, and then some. But by changing it up, you offer variety to traffic new and old, and your online viewers will thank you.