It’s amazing how much data has been collected over the last two years. And if you’ve ever tried to push through that data to get positive results for your small business, it may feel like quick sand burying you the more you struggle. However, there are some fantastic ways that you can chip away at it and find the parts that are useful to your industry. Here are a few tips to ensure that you’re making the most of all the data you collect.
Keep up with social media
One area of data you shouldn’t ignore is social media. It takes time to build an effective campaign because there is so much noise on social media feeds. But the more you analyze the responses, shares, likes, and engagement levels, the better. This information will let you know the best times to post, what kind of content you should be focusing on, and where your target audience hangs out. Do you get more action on Twitter versus Facebook? Knowing answers to questions like this can help you up your game and get an edge on the competition.
Use retargeting codes
This is especially true for e-commerce stores. With people looking on their phones to do research, and then finalizing transactions or inquires at home when they feel secure to give out their personal information, it can be easy to lose people. A retargeting code will help remind them of what they were looking for in that long grocery store line or while waiting for the dentist. When they get home to complete their research, you’ll be the first thing that pops up.
Pay attention to your optimization analytics
If you’re making an effort to properly optimize your website, then you should have some pretty good data available about your bounce rate, traffic patterns, and who is searching for you. Take the time to look over this information to get a better idea of how you’re performing online. If you’re bounce rate is high, then maybe your website is slow or you’re targeting the wrong keywords.
Continually test and fail
The best way to know if the data you have is going to make an impact is to test it out. Technology moves so fast, that when you fail at one tactic, you can quickly proceed to the next. Don’t look at it is a failure, though. View your test using the data you gathered as a way to find what doesn’t work (which can be just as helpful as what does).
Big data is ideal for small businesses
Some people may think that big data is only for large companies like Amazon or Apple, but the truth is, when small businesses know what to do with it, it can make them more transparent and an asset to their customers. Don’t think that if you’re a small business you can’t benefit or use the same data as larger corporations. In fact, you can also save a little time by following similar patterns of successful players in your industry.