There comes a time for all businesses that they need to take a good hard look at their logo and how it reflects their brand – their current brand. Even if you update your website design in Nashville on a regular basis, your logo may start to grow stale and given a fresh look. Think about household brands like Pepsi, BMW, Apple, and Kraft, and those moments in history when they modernized their logo.
It surprises many people how a few subtle changes to a logo can enhance customer’s awareness of your company and remind them that you are still around when they need you. If you’re still on the fence about whether a logo redesign is right for your small business, here are a few questions to ask yourself.
Does your logo still reflect your brand?
As your business grows and shifts and you change your web design in Nashville, your logo may need to as well. While not all brands are going to need a redesign, if you have had any changes in your business from adding new services to branching out to a new sector of your industry, take a good hard look at your logo.
Do you like your current logo?
While this may seem like a simple question, it’s an important one. If you don’t like the way your logo looks or you don’t think it entirely fits with your brand, take note. Even a few small changes can give your logo a fresh look. Trust that when you’re proud of your logo and display it in places like your Nashville website design, business cards, and other marketing platforms, you’ll be able to focus on growing your business rather than nitpicking your own brand.
Who designed your original logo?
Think about who designed your original logo and how it came to be. Is there a story behind it, or did you grab the first symmetrical design that came your way? If there is sentimental value behind the logo, a professional designer can capture that while enhancing the current feel of the business. If it seems to be too generic and designed by a beginner because that was all you could afford at the time, a professional can elevate it. If your logo is fuzzy or the colors are off, adjustments can be made to sharpen the look and make it more professional.
Is your logo modern?
Not all brands require a modern logo per say, but modernizing your logo is important to make sure it’s easy on the eyes for your Nashville web design, business cards, and more. Make sure you are using technology to your advantages and that you get professional logo designers involved to ensure your logo is modern and represents your business. A simple change like this can make a big impact on how customers view your brand, and you can even see it in the ROI. Add a logo redesign to your list for ways to increase revenue in the New Year!