It takes less than a minute to look around and see that a huge majority of the population is looking at their smartphone at everything from social media to what restaurant to eat for dinner to where to get their oil changed. If you have a website design in Nashville, then you should be placing a good deal of emphasis on your mobile efforts. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on potential leads and you stay one step ahead of the competition. Here we provide a few tips that will help you have mobile success today as well as in the future.
Speed up your Nashville web design
If you thought people were impatient when it comes to load times on a desktop, then wait until they get on a smartphone. Most people will give your Nashville website design about three seconds to load before they’ll move on. Make sure you test your site speed, and to get the best results, you should call in the experts.
Target keywords for mobile
Mobile keywords will be different than desktop ones because people adjust the way they search to the smaller screen. They may not type in a long-winded question, but will shorten it. Plus, mobile users will generally be on the go and so their questions come with a sense of urgency. You can do keyword research by using online tools, organic searches, or hire a website design company in Nashville to generate the keywords and content for you.
Do a mobile-friendly test
Before you do anything else, you should run a test to make sure your web design is mobile friendly. Google has a free test available (and there are others out there as well) and they guide you through the process, so it isn’t difficult at all. And if your small business website isn’t mobile friendly, then this is the perfect time to consider a redesign by the pros!
Be location specific
Make sure you are location specific when it comes to your mobile website because people are looking for goods and services “near me” more than ever. Local queries make up a big percentage of Google searching and you don’t want to miss out on that kind of traffic (because trust that your competitors won’t). You can use location in keywords and incorporate local reviews in your Nashville web design. Not only will this help you be location specific, but it will also provide invaluable testimonials.
Review the data
If you truly want mobile SEO success, you must review the data and analytics of how you are being received by crawlers and visitors. Locate your weaknesses and adjust as necessary, and then continue to reevaluate. It’s an important part of the process that you can’t skip when you own a website design in Nashville, and the more you review the data, the more you will learn about your ideal customer. You can then use this information when you are marketing on the mobile web through other platforms such as social media.