Identifying your target market may be one of the most critical aspects of marketing your business whether you’re reaching people via Nashville web design, radio, or local paper. And even if you think that you have a good idea of who to market to, it may surprise you to learn that you could be missing out on a big segment of customers. To help you understand how to identify your target market and refine your efforts, here are five tips.
#1: Start big and then narrow the focus
It takes time to narrow down your target market, so don’t try to figure out right away their exact age, income, race, education level, eye color, and everything in between. The first step should be to take a good hard look at the product or services that you’re providing and then make a list of the groups of people that you think would use it the most.
For example, if you sell fishing products, you may look back and realize that most of your customers are retired men over 50. While sportsmen and women do buy your product, your marketing dollars and focus on areas like website design may be better spent on targeting retired men over 50.
#2: Look at reputable research
When doing your research about target markets in your industry, find reputable places to conduct research. There are many places to gather statistics and research online, and this can help refine your market efforts. But, only of the information is accurate.
#3: Consider surveying your current customers
You don’t want to bother your current customers with too many surveys, but these can be valuable at times – especially when it comes to identifying your target market. Send out a survey to current customers, and to help entice people to fill it out, consider providing a coupon or discount on their next service. You’ll find people are more willing to give their time and information when they get something in return.
#4: Check out your competitions customers
Look at forums, reviews, and what customers are saying online about the competition, and make sure you’re looking at what ties them together. Also, pay attention to the website design of the competition to see if they’re providing something for a specific target market that you aren’t.
Maybe they promote a kid’s play area in their waiting room, and when you take a look at your target market, you notice that your primary customers are parents. Now, you have a better idea of who you’re trying to market to and can come up with fresh ideas to bring them in.
#5: Speak with people in your community
From your neighbors to people that walk in your businesses doors, you should take the time to speak with people in your community. Learn more about them and the services that they are looking for. Not only is this a great way to identify your target market, but it’s also an excellent way to build relationships with customers. Make notes of those that you meet and review them when you are making a marketing strategy.
Once you have a better idea of who your target market it, apply the information to your Nashville web design and next marketing plan.