When it comes to marketing your business, you have to get creative these days. It seems that everything’s been done online, but the truth is, it’s not about what you do – it’s about how well you do it. Be sure when you apply these marketing tips you commit to them in terms of consistency and embrace each aspect. When you do this, you’ll see results. Here’s four tips that will grab your customers attention and help you gain conversions.
#1: Create a contest
You can spread the work about a contest through social media, your small business website, word of mouth, and by taking ads out on the radio and local newspaper. For example, if you’re a mechanic, you can offer a free oil change for the best photo submitted on your businesses Facebook feed of a pet hanging out around a vehicle. Whether it’s a cat sleeping on the hood of a truck or an excited dog about to get to leave on a car ride, you’ll get people involved in a fun way. Creative contests are very shareable, and people love tagging their friends in them.
#2: Get personal in your content
Online marketing makes it easy for people to get to know you. And the best part is, customers want to know you! While you still need to keep a professional appearance in your content and provide value, you should also take the time to reveal little pieces about your personal life.
Tell people what you’ve learned from your failures in the past, open up about sitting through your daughter’s five-hour long dance recital, and tell people that your favorite day of the week is Taco Tuesday. You don’t have to go overboard, but now and then, personalize your content and people will feel more connected to you.
#3: Go old school
While online marketing tactics make a big impact in getting the word out about your business, you should also promote it by going to local events. It’s amazing how well starting a conversation with the person next to you can result in brand exposure and conversions. Share your information with them and soon you have a new Facebook follower who refers others your way. Look at community events, festivals, and conventions to attend and bring plenty of business cards.
#4: Listen
Listening comes in two forms here. First, you need to listen to your customers and what they’re responding to. If you post every day on social media using beautiful images and delicately crafted call-to-actions, but don’t see much response, then test something new. Look at the social media feeds of your customers. Are they sharing crazy cat videos and images of Minions with witty phrases? Then try to use those to your advantage and see what happens.
Second, listen to others who market online. While some aspects of marketing will never change, many have and will continue to develop based on online marketing trends and advancements. Be sure you’re using current marketing methods and read the new material available on how to promote your business. Stay abreast of the industry and you’ll find your marketing edge sharp again in no time.