Whether you are creating content for your website design in Nashville to inform visitors about services, to pass a new product newsletter on customers, and to post on social media about an upcoming event, it can be a full-time job. In this age of content, it can feel like there is always something on your list to write and post ensure you get in front of people. One time saving tip to help you get more quality content out there more often is to create it for multiple purposes versus for a single platform. Here we get you started with a few tips so that you can be more active on your Nashville web design, social media platforms, and email efforts when it comes to posting content.
Know the different ways you want to use the content
Before you start tapping away at the keyboard, try to decide how you plan on using this content. While these plans may change (and it is fine if they do), having a vision for what you want to achieve is going to save you time and give you direction. So, if your plan is to create an optimized blog post for your website as well as send it as an email to customers that have signed up to get more information but haven’t converted, you’ll already know the tone and format you are looking for.
Edit each piece of content based on where it is posted
While you can use the bulk of the content as is for your purposes, be sure that you are making slight edits based on your marketing platforms. Changing the images, highlighting specific bits of information, and providing a unique backdrop can be beneficial when you have segmented your audience. This way, you can post the content on your Nashville web design in one light, and then present the other forms in a slightly different light for a specific group.
For example, if you own a software company and you want to promote the upgrades to current customers that you have just made available on your web design in Nashville, you can write a piece about each upgrade and their feature. However, you may also want to send this news via email to people that have not converted yet. So, in one piece of content you will be speaking with current customers and in another with potential customers. You can keep the body of the content the same, and the only part that needs to be changes is a small intro and conclusion that is specific for the audience, and the design.
Use the best practice so you don’t annoy customers
One thing you have to be careful about when creating content for multiple purposes is that you don’t bombard someone with it five or six times. Creating multi-purpose content is done so you don’t have to create five different pieces for five different groups when you can create one piece for all of the groups, and it serves the same purpose. It doesn’t mean to share that one piece of content to the same people over and over. By taking a few proactive steps, you can save some serious time and money creating multi-purpose content for your web design in Nashville.