There are very few businesses that don’t have a slow season. Many will slow down after the holidays such as retail stores and restaurants, and the beginning of the year is when gyms and health-focused companies thrive (of course they were twiddling their thumbs in December). Landscapers and those who work outdoors will have long days in the spring and summer because it’s their busy time of year, but the winter won’t bring much revenue. No matter what months you go through your slow season, here are a few marketing ideas so that you can keep the numbers up.
#1: Focus on seasonal products and specials
You don’t have to slow down just because it’s not your busy time of the year. Each season will bring its own set of marketing ideas, and you just need to brainstorm with a few people on your team.
There are a number of holidays and observances throughout the year you can play with, or you can start to do quarterly promotions for the four seasons. Just make sure that you’re updating your Nashville web design as you market seasonal products and specials.
#2: Stay in front of people
It can be easy to take a backseat when business slows down, but if you want to increase your revenue this year, stay in front of people whether it’s through social media, blog posts, or emails. Remember, you don’t have to hard sell every time you put your brand out there. You can send nurturing emails that connect with people as well as give them useful information.
#3: Test new strategies
If you’ve been wanting a fresh web design in Nashville, but haven’t moved forward because you’ve been too slammed to make the call or are afraid to go offline for too long, then reach out to the pros. You can do some A/B testing so that you’re ready when you start to pick up again to gain more leads and conversions through your website.
#4: Promote a new service or product
Whether you have a brand new product in your store or you’re offering a new service, the slow season is a great time to market them. You can run specials and have open houses with refreshments, and this is an excellent way to stay in front of potential customers.
#5: Run sales on old inventory
If you have a service that you’ve noticed has suffered in sales over the year or have a plethora of something in your inventory that you want to get rid of, it’s time to slash those prices and get people excited about them again.
#6: Reach out to a specific segment
When you’re in a slow period at work, then take the time to reach out to a specific group that utilizes your business. Make a personal call to see how the client is performing with the service you provided, send a card in the mail with a coupon, or have a contest or sweepstakes for those that have made specific purchases in the past.
The sky is the limit during the slow season, so be sure you don’t stop and wait for business to pick up again!